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Visar 361 till 370 av totalt 1690 dokument.
Datum | Dokument | Organisation | Ämne |
2016-01-13 |
Child Education, Child Labor and the Agricultural Economy Serie: Development Dissertation Brief 2016:04 |
Barn och unga, Jordbruk, Mänskliga rättigheter, Utbildning | |
2016-01-13 |
Path dependent possibilities of transformation - Agricultural change and economic development in north and south Vietnam Serie: Development Dissertation Brief 2016:03 |
Jordbruk, Landsbygd, Vietnam | |
2016-01-13 |
The when and why of helping - Individual and organizational decision making from a psychological perspective Serie: Development Dissertation Brief 2016:02 |
Välgörenhet | |
2016-01-13 |
Going with the flow or swimming against the current? - Interplay of formal rules, informal norms and NGO advocacy strategies Serie: Development Dissertation Brief 2016:01 |
Civilsamhället | |
2016-01-13 |
The when and why of helping - Individual and organizational decision making from a psychological perspective Serie: Development Dissertation Brief 2016:02 |
Budget, Välgörenhet, Volym | |
2016-01-13 |
Path dependent possibilities of transformation - Agricultural change and economic development in North and South Vietnam Serie: Development Dissertation Briefs 2016:03 |
Jordbruk, Vietnam | |
2016-01-13 |
Child Education, Child Labor and Agricultural Economy Serie: Development Dessertation Biefs 2016:04 |
Barn och unga, Jordbruk, Utbildning | |
2016-01-01 |
Sidas hantering av korruptionsmisstankar - Årsrapport 2015 |
Korruption, Öppenhet och transparens, Resultat, Sida | |
2015-12-17 |
Sveriges regionala strategi för Syrienkrisen 2016 – 2020 Serie: UD 15.050 |
Bilateralt samarbete, Syrien | |
2015-12-17 |
Regional strategi för Sveriges utvecklingssamarbete med Mellanöstern och Nordafrika (MENA) - 2016–2020 |
Algeriet, Bahrain, Bilateralt samarbete, Egypten, Förenade Arabemiraten, Irak, Iran, Israel, Jemen, Jordanien, Kuwait, Libanon, Libyen, Marocko, Oman, Palestina, Qatar, Saudiarabien, Syrien, Tunisien, Västsahara |
Visar 361 till 370 av totalt 1690 dokument.