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Visar 1561 till 1570 av totalt 1690 dokument.
Datum |
Dokument |
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Ämne |
1987-04-01 |
Primary School Textbooks in Tanzania: An Evaluation of their Quality
Serie: Education Division Documents No 37
Sida |
Barn och unga, Tanzania, Utbildning |
1987-03-12 |
Sidas Guidelines for Project Support – From Idea to Evaluation
Sida |
Projektstöd, Sida |
1987-01-25 |
Anteckningar från Lesotho november 1985-december 1986
Demokrati, Lesotho, Mänskliga rättigheter, Sydafrika |
1987-01-07 |
Paper, Timber and Minorities
- An Evaluation of Sweden's Support to Forest Industry in Bangladesh
Sida |
Bangladesh, Jordbruk, Samhällsgrupper, Sida |
1987-01-05 |
Training for Public Service
- An Evaluation of Sweden's Co-operation with Zimbabwe in Public Service Training 1982 - 1986
Sida |
Bilateralt samarbete, Sida, Zimbabwe |
1987-01-03 |
Drought and Destabilization
- An Evaluation of Swedish Disaster Relief in Mozambique 1983 to 1985
Sida |
Humanitärt bistånd, Klimat & miljö, Moçambique |
1987-01-02 |
Foreign Exchange Zambia
- An Evaluation of the Auction System in the Zambian Economy
Sida |
Näringsliv, Sida, Zambia |
1987-01-01 |
Extensive Rural Development
- An Evaluation of the Zone I Programme in Guinea- Bissau
Sida |
Guinea-Bissau, Jordbruk, Sida |
1986-10-01 |
Adult Literacy in the Third World: A review of Objectives and Strategies
Serie: Education Division Documents No 32
Sida |
Sida, Utbildning |
1986-09-08 |
Ska Sverige ge bistånd till stadsbygdsutveckling?
Sida |
Biståndsformer, Demografi / befolkningsstatistik, Sida |
Visar 1561 till 1570 av totalt 1690 dokument.