Månad: juli 2024
Evaluation of the Macroeconomic and Financial Management Institute of Eastern and Southern Africa (MEFMI) Phase IV Programme
Learning From What Works: Strategic Analysis of the Achievements of the Israel-Palestine Human Rights Community
Evaluation of the Project “Improving Judicial Efficiency” (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Final report
Budgetproposition 2016 Utgiftsområde 7: Internationellt bistånd
Investing for Development?
- Examining the impacts of the EU's investment regime on food security, the right to food and land governance
Evaluation of Policy Dialogue as an Instrument – the case of Gender Equality
- Main report
Ömsom vin, ömsom vatten
- En uppföljning av Systembolagets hållbarhetsarbete
Water and Sanitation 2014
- Improving the human right to clean water and basic sanitation
Support to Innovation and Innovation Systems
- Within the Framework of Swedish Research Cooperation